About us

The Hart House Film Board has been the University of Toronto’s leading movie-making centre since 1974 and many prominent professionals got their start with us. We provide equipment loans in the areas of cameras, sound and lighting and we maintain professional editing facilities.

We host screenings of members work and are the home of the University of Toronto Film Festival. We run movie-making contests throughout the year and host a number of group-projects. Like all Hart House clubs, membership is open to all. If you want to make a film, we are here to help!

If you are new to filmmaking, check out the classes offered by the Hart House Creative LifeSchool (formerly named Creative Classes), designed to improve skills and deepen filmmaking as a creative practise.


Office Hours: Monday and Thursday from 5PM to 7PM at Room 155D in Hart House’s basement

Email: hhfb.info@gmail.com

Feel free to Contact us using the form below