
Hart House offers a full complement of entry-level filmmaking classes to help all budding filmmakers kick-start their career at a fraction of the cost of film school. Filmmaking Classes at Hart House fall into three distinct areas:

  • Multi-week classes focused on storytelling (writing, directing, editing)

  • Short classes in core equipment areas (cameras, lights, audio, editing)

  • 100% hands-on shooting and cutting exercises for absolute beginners

Prices and schedules for classes are available on the Hart House Creative LifeSchool Classes page.

All our classes are for beginners or intermediates who need brushing up and are guaranteed to inform and energize your creative powers.

Classes open to everyone: students, members  and non-members.
You may register in person at the Hub (inside Hart House), online, or by phone 416-978-2452.

For questions about the classes: